0333 800 1484

Driver CPC

We have been delivering Driver CPC courses since its inception in 2008 for Bus and 2009 for Truck. We have always written our own courses. We started delivering modular courses to give us and the client a more flexible scope.

Most, if not all Driver CPC courses are good quality, but we have found from driver feedback that ‘off the shelf courses’ can be a case of one size fits all, which is not necessarily the best fit. We aim to change this.

We have encountered Bus Drivers who have been made to sit through “Roping and Sheeting Courses”, “The use of LGV tail-lifts”, “ADR”, and the “Use of Fridges”… Correct me if I’m wrong but there aren’t that many ropes and sheets required for a Double Decker!

And this is where the problem lies; in JAUPT allowing ‘dual purpose’ courses that are clearly not fit for the right purpose to be approved. They are just not specific to what the actual driver needs and or what operator is looking to address in their training requirements.

I take the Driver CPC to the next level and really address transport companies’ needs, not just deliver a Daily Check Course. I want to deliver THEIR relevant daily check course content.

Originally, I approached a client whom I was working with (and still am on Driver CPC) who had 500 drivers. I said to the Fleet Manager; “What really keeps you up at night? What bothers you the most?”. He said; “We have done ‘daily checks’ in the past and seen the (then) VOSA video, BUT that's not our operation and how we work here”.

So, I said if I could meet you, interview yourself and the fleet team, and some drivers, could I write you a course which is totally specific for your needs? Would you be interested? Of course he said yes!

But, I said to him, the best bit is, I’ll do it FREE of charge. Well with an offer like that how could he refuse?

Suffice it to say we have just signed up our 20th Client doing just this; writing specific courses to address specific needs thus getting away from the tick box training that is currently out there.

Not that ‘out of the box’ is a bad thing. It’s just the fact we have gone to the next level and beyond. Honest to say, we’ve never looked back either.

We have just taken on a local Bus company with 120 drivers who have just booked 40 Driver CPC courses, so we have just delivered 10 courses for them, which is of course a FULL bespoke course. The feedback (and our progress) says it all.

The bus drivers for example never see a truck, so they don’t have to learn about ‘roping and sheeting’, ‘tail lifts’ and ‘cages’. They see their own vehicles in their own company branding and livery, with bespoke videos (taken in the Great British weather!) of how it should be done, from our Trainer and their own transport and management team.

That’s the way forward!

Transport Operator Article

For more information please Contact Us. We will be more than happy to discuss any aspect of CPC Training in more detail.

© Midland Transport Training 2025

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